On win xp using D link wireless with d link air dwl 650 card.
Wireless netwrok concetion icon in botton left of screen shows excelent connetion. But when I try to lanch internet explorer it comes up with a blank pages saying the network can not be found.
I tried to reset the network but it came up with the error that the ip address can not be reset.
I have uninstalled the wireless network and sofware. Reinstalled and still ahve the same problem.
I an not sure with the lock means about the network connection, it has not been there before yesterday which is when I startind having the problem.
I brother can get on the wireless next work fine but his network connection doesn't show the lock above the icon.
any ideas?
Wireless netwrok concetion icon in botton left of screen shows excelent connetion. But when I try to lanch internet explorer it comes up with a blank pages saying the network can not be found.
I tried to reset the network but it came up with the error that the ip address can not be reset.
I have uninstalled the wireless network and sofware. Reinstalled and still ahve the same problem.
I an not sure with the lock means about the network connection, it has not been there before yesterday which is when I startind having the problem.
I brother can get on the wireless next work fine but his network connection doesn't show the lock above the icon.
any ideas?