[tt]DCount( : Name of D thingy
"[MemberID]", : Name of field to count, it must be
: a string, that is, quoted (""). If
: there is a space in the field name,
: or the field name is a reserved
: word, you must use square
: brackets ([]).Otherwise, it does
: not matter whether you do or don't.
"tblMemFleetDiscount" : Name of the table as a string.
"[MemberID] >=1" : WHERE statement as a string. The
: rules shown above for square
: brackets apply here, too.[/tt]
There is an Or for the WHERE statement, and that is, if the comparison is a control on a form or a variable, you put it outside the quotes. Then it gets a little more complicated, if the comparison is to a text field, you need single quotes (''), if it is a date field, you need hash signs (##) and if it is to a number, you do not need anything. So:
[tt]"[MemberID] =1" : Literally equal to 1
"[MemberID] =" & intI : Equal to a variable intI,
: which might contain 1
"[MemberID] ='hat'" : Literally equal to hat
"[MemberID] ='" & strA & "'" : Equal to a variable strA,
: which might contain hat
"[MemberID] = #01/31/06#" : Literally equal to 01/31/06
"[MemberID] =#" & dteD & "#" : Equal to a variable dteD,
: which might contain 01/31/06[/tt]
Great explanation Remou. If I can add to this without getting too much information:
The first argument can be a number of different expressions and isn't limited to a single field.
For instance:
DLookup("[Last Name] & ', ' & [First Name]", "tblEmployees","EmpID=23")
DAvg("[HrlyRate]*80","tblWages","Gender='F' AND Status='A' AND HireDate>=#" & dteD & "#")
The WHERE statement evaluates to either true or false.
If you don't have a FAQ like this, you might consider writing one. It would be really helpful.
Duane MS Access MVP
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