Connect it to a RJ11 using the centre pins and plug it into a LS port on the back of the unit (4 ONS ports and 6 LS ports). Unit will only take loop start BTW.
Go into controller and make sure you have correct country set.(licence and option selection)
Go into analog trunks and make sure the trunk has a DN set. (trunks/analog/analog trunks form)
Put the trunk into a trunk group ( trunk/analog forms) and programme ARS to use it as required.(ars form)
Set an answer point for the trunk.(trunk attributes form)
Thanks for the reply wireman50. Iv go my RJ11 plugged into LS1, correct country is set but the next part i'm not sure how to set up/ find. Is there anyway you could log in via Team Viewer and check my settings? Would be much appreciated!
I only have teamviewer 7 but I can try (don't use it much normally use radmin) can you send me ID to connect? I assume you will be logged in to the controller on the pc I connect to?
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