Here's the gist of a Human Resources applet I'm working on. A user enters a Notes database, withe default "view" being an empty shared folder. The user presses a button, and an Inputbox requests the user's employee ID (EMPID). If the user enters his number and presses OK, the folder gets filled with his education records with a matching employee ID (if any) from a set of Notes documents,
The user can then review and change any records found. That user can also add records. When the user is done, the folder is cleared. This all works--with one person entering the database at a time.
Issue: do we have a concurrency problem here, and if so, how do we get around this? We really don't want a bunch of private folders being generated, and I haven't figured out a way to set up a view based on the results from an input box. Are there other ways?
Pat O'Connell
SearchFormula = "Form = 'Employee' & EMPID = '" & EmpID & "'"
Set SearchCollection = db.Search(SearchFormula, DummyDate, 0)
If SearchCollection.Count > 0 Then
Call SearchCollection.PutAllInFolder("Employee")
End If
The user can then review and change any records found. That user can also add records. When the user is done, the folder is cleared. This all works--with one person entering the database at a time.
Issue: do we have a concurrency problem here, and if so, how do we get around this? We really don't want a bunch of private folders being generated, and I haven't figured out a way to set up a view based on the results from an input box. Are there other ways?
Pat O'Connell