I'm new to Macola so this may be a real easy question, but it has been driving me crazy trying to find the form I need. My client has copied an OE Invoice from one company to another thru "System/General/Form maintenance/Copy form" within the Program. The copied form was given a unique name such as "38-company". What I need to do is access this "form" with Crystal XI and make some modifications - add logo, make it pretty, etc.
My client is using Macola ES 9.5.3 if that is any help.
I can't find this "copied" report anywhere. I think that OEINVFRM is the form that was modified, but when I open it within Crystal, it doesn't look anything like the current invoice when it is printed out. Can anyone tell me where I can find this copied form so that it can be modified? Any guidance would certainly be appreciated.
My client is using Macola ES 9.5.3 if that is any help.
I can't find this "copied" report anywhere. I think that OEINVFRM is the form that was modified, but when I open it within Crystal, it doesn't look anything like the current invoice when it is printed out. Can anyone tell me where I can find this copied form so that it can be modified? Any guidance would certainly be appreciated.