quick question about solaris shells. How do i customise unix shell for sh, ksh, bash? For example i want my prompt like "username@machinename path >" . the path will change every time i change my path.
In the bourne shell (sh) there is no environment variable that holds the current working directory. I don't think you can do what you want in bourne shell.
_cd() {
cd $*
PS1="${PWD} >"
alias cd=_cd
cd .
or better, put this in .kshrc the add this to .profile :
ENV=${HOME}.kshrc ; export ENV
The difference is that .profile is executed when you log on, and .kshrc when you call a shell, so this way you don't lose the PS1 variable when you start a new shell.
hoope it helps.
I like that idea Mike, but unfortunately the alias command doesn't work in sh. Also, $PWD env variable is not maintained in bourne shell, so you would need a line in your function like:
Is there an equivalent to alias in the bourne shell?
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