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Customer support

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Just remember it works the other way. I run the phone systems for several of our call centres. As these are b2b's the repsonse times have to be less than 30 seconds (if you were paying 10's of thousands for a service, you don't expect to be on hold for 20 minutes)

1. "I've been waiting 20 minutes".
No you haven't we log ever single 1000th of a second of a call, you've been on hold 36 seconds.
2. "I pressed Option 1 for sales and come through to Customer support."
No you didn't we can see what buttons you pressed (and exactly when you pressed them)
3. "You cut me off".
No the system says remote disconnect. I suggest you buy a new Mobile phone or eat less so your fingers aren't so fat you hit disconnect and not option 1.
4 "These 0845 (uk) numbers are a rip off, you only do it to make money".
No we don't make a penny from them. however, if you would like a number for 6-8 am, another for Monday to Friday days, another for evenings, another for weekends, and and extra for each of those, in case the primary lines fail, then we can supply them. Oh you may need one for Holdays as well, oh and we are reloacting next week, so will give you another 20 to try just in case.
5. An finally "Your hold music is lousy"
Yes we agree, but it's free to use so what what do you expect!

Only the truly stupid believe they know everything.
Stu.. 2004
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