I want to create a crystal report based on the following specs:. The report contains customers assigned customer numbers and these customers have got some accumulated revenue. The customers are sorted in Descending order based on the accumulated revenue. I want to have a rank field for these customers but in cystal cant find the rank function. Then there are some customers with customers numbers but with no revenue accumulated these customers are sorted alphabetically and then assigned ranks according to their alphabetic order. The last group of customers contains customers not yet assigned customer numbers but sorted alphabetically then assigned ranks according to the alphabet. The report should rank customers with revenue accumulated and when it reaches those without revenue but with customer numbers it should start assigning new ranks from rank 1 to n. This should also be done to those customers with no customer numbers yet.
Customer No: CustName Revenue Rank
A1 BBBBBB 200 1
D1 GSAHSG 150 2
D2 AAAAA 0 1
D4 BBBBB 0 2
E4 CCCCC 0 3
-- ABC 0 1
-- DEF 0 2
-- FGH 0 3
The report should produce the above results. I want to know the crystal reports formula to rank these fields as shown above.
Customer No: CustName Revenue Rank
A1 BBBBBB 200 1
D1 GSAHSG 150 2
D2 AAAAA 0 1
D4 BBBBB 0 2
E4 CCCCC 0 3
-- ABC 0 1
-- DEF 0 2
-- FGH 0 3
The report should produce the above results. I want to know the crystal reports formula to rank these fields as shown above.