I'm a video producer, and would like to create a totally jargon-free, customer-friendly page on my website which customers could use to (1) upload a graphics file to my website's server and (2) download or view the "rough cut" MPEG file that I've edited for them, for their approval. Preferably, I'd like the customer to have to sign in before accessing this service.
I'm not a programmer, and would be willing to pay a moderate fee either for a pre-baked extension or consultation. But I don't even know how to phrase the question properly. Is there some "term of art" for what I'm seeking? Better yet, has someone already created this?
-- Bob Cole
I'm not a programmer, and would be willing to pay a moderate fee either for a pre-baked extension or consultation. But I don't even know how to phrase the question properly. Is there some "term of art" for what I'm seeking? Better yet, has someone already created this?
-- Bob Cole