if you are using SQL you can enter the following script into query analyzer.
use screens
select screen_id, screen_name from oescrfil_sql
where screen_name <> 'MACOLA' and
screen_number = 1
order by screen_id, screen_name
Simply change the first two letters of the file oescrfil_sql to the module that you are looking for and run it from there.
If you are Pervasive, I don't have a solution except for going into Designer and looking at the various screens.
By utilizing a UNION query in either MS Query Analyzer or in Pervasive Control Center, you can get them all at once, but as Macola Said you have to have the DDFs for Pervasive. Here is a snippet of code:
select screen_id, screen_name from adscrfil_sql where (screen_name <> 'MACOLA') union
select screen_id, screen_name from apscrfil_sql where (screen_name <> 'MACOLA') union
select screen_id, screen_name from arscrfil_sql where (screen_name <> 'MACOLA') union
etc., etc. all the way to the sysscrfil_sql table.
Software Sales, Training, Implementation and Support for Exact Macola, eSynergy, and Crystal Reports
I was hoping for an easier solution - guess I was being naive. If they would allow individual screensets to override group screensets this job would be a lot easier - I have one or two screensets that puts the user name(who is entering the order) on orders and P.O.s and because of that I have to copy all the screensets to the users name. I will just make a list manually - thank you for all your help.
Unfortunately, we are PSQL - we are looking at moving to SQL - just haven't made the final decision yet (some things in E-Synergy looked promising - was considering the promo)
We have modified the standard Macola Screens DDF to include most of the accounting and distribution screens. You can use Crystal, Access or Pervasive control center to extract the non MACOLA screen ID's. If intrested, post email and I will send them. I do not remember which version they were generated from. You will have to do you own reporting. Everything needed is listed in this thread.
The screen files are not in the pervasive ddfs in the screens folder, but dgillz & I had someone modify the existing ddfs. However, the data from those files doesn't come in clean. You can, however see which users have which screens. I didn't try the union syntax thing that dgillz suggested to link all the btr files together, but I was under the impression the union syntax didn't work in pervasive. If you want to experiment, we can get you the necessary tools. I don't know that I would try to update those screen files for individual users since we weren't able to get completely readable ddfs. I had also hoped that I could delete screensets for non-existent users, but had no success with that.
Also unclear here is changing user screensets rather than groups. You can apply the screensets to the group level. In OE, for example, I use a user defined field with a drop down list of users who enter orders. Then I give the screenset to the entire group since they choose their user ID during order entry, then it writes to the file directly. No need to modify everyone's screenset. I find it much easier to administer the group level, especially when there are many users at a particular site.
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