A while back I created the following thread thread333-1030175 to ask about custom collections.
The other day i needed to use them again, but decided to rework Tarwns superb idea to allow a bit more flexibility (for my needs any how)
The idea is that i can name my objects, like you would a session, so
myclass("monkey").value = "chimp" can be called with
monkey = myclass("monkey").value
Hope you find it of some use
}...the bane of my life!
The other day i needed to use them again, but decided to rework Tarwns superb idea to allow a bit more flexibility (for my needs any how)
The idea is that i can name my objects, like you would a session, so
myclass("monkey").value = "chimp" can be called with
monkey = myclass("monkey").value
Hope you find it of some use
<%option explicit
Class classTest
private arrItems()
Dim formValidationItems,my_namepos,my_name
Sub Class_Initialize
redim arrItems(0)
End Sub
sub Class_Terminate
end sub
Public Default Property Get Items(key)
if len(key) = 0 then
if findKey(key) = -1 then
Set arrItems(ubound(arrItems))=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
my_namepos = ubound(arrItems)
Name = key
redim preserve arrItems(ubound(arrItems)+1)
end if
my_name = key
my_namepos = findKey(key)
Set Items = me
end if
End Property
Public Property Get Count
Count = ubound(arrItems)
End Property
Public Property Let Value(val)
call addKeyVal("Value",val)
End Property
Public Property Get Value
Value = arrItems(my_namepos)("Value")
End Property
Private Property Let Name(val)
call addKeyVal("name",val)
End Property
Public Property Get Name
Name = arrItems(my_namepos)("name")
End Property
public sub close
redim arrItems(0)
end sub
'helper functions
public sub addKeyVal(key,val)
if arrItems(my_namepos).exists(key) then
arrItems(my_namepos)(key) = val
arrItems(my_namepos).add key,val
end if
end sub
private sub killDictionary()
dim n
for n = 0 to ubound(arrItems)-1
set arrItems(n) = nothing
end sub
private function findKey(str)
findKey = -1
if isArray(arrItems) then
dim n
for n = 0 to ubound(arrItems) - 1
if arrItems(n)("name") = str then
findKey = n
exit for
findKey = -1
end if
findKey = -1
end if
end function
end class
dim clsTest:set clsTest = new classTest
clsTest("Monkey").Value = "Chimp"
clsTest("Dog").Value = "Boxer"
clsTest("Fruit").Value = "Apple"
response.write(clsTest("Monkey").Value &"<br />")
response.write(clsTest("Dog").Value &"<br />")
response.write(clsTest("Fruit").Value &"<br />")
response.write(clsTest.Count &"<br />")
}...the bane of my life!