I wonder if you can help me ot with this weird problem.
I have this ListView and I'm using the OnAdvancedCustomDrawItem event
to make some items bold. Pretty simple isn't it?
The problem is that some items on the ListView, when I set them to
bold, the text wraps and gets a "..." at the end,
like it couldn't fit the width of the ListView but there's plenty of
room on the right.
My ListView setup is:
Columns = <>
OwnerDraw = True
ShowColumnHeaders = False
SmallImages = ImageList1
ViewStyle = vsList
OnAdvancedCustomDrawItem = MakeBold
MakeBold coding is:
if Stage <> cdPrePaint then Exit;
ListView1.Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold];
When the ListItem is not bold it fits perfectly, but when it gets bold
the dots appear... Hope you can figure it out...
Thank you very much
Alice Claussen
I wonder if you can help me ot with this weird problem.
I have this ListView and I'm using the OnAdvancedCustomDrawItem event
to make some items bold. Pretty simple isn't it?
The problem is that some items on the ListView, when I set them to
bold, the text wraps and gets a "..." at the end,
like it couldn't fit the width of the ListView but there's plenty of
room on the right.
My ListView setup is:
Columns = <>
OwnerDraw = True
ShowColumnHeaders = False
SmallImages = ImageList1
ViewStyle = vsList
OnAdvancedCustomDrawItem = MakeBold
MakeBold coding is:
if Stage <> cdPrePaint then Exit;
ListView1.Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold];
When the ListItem is not bold it fits perfectly, but when it gets bold
the dots appear... Hope you can figure it out...
Thank you very much
Alice Claussen