I have a Table 'tblOrders'. Within this table will be 2 fields 'InvoiceNumber' and 'CompanyName'.
CompanyName InvoiceNumber
Athlon ATH001
StockShare STS001
Athlon ATH002
StockShare STS002
I will be using a form 'frmOrders' to add new orders to this table.
What I want to do.... is when I pick Athlon from the combobox, 'cboCompany', on the form. I want to append a new order into the table and the next sequenced InvoiceNumber to be generated. So ATH003 would be next, as per example above.
I could have around 10 different companies with their own InvoiceNumber sequence within this table.
Can anyone help with this please? Or would it be better to take a different approach?
I have a Table 'tblOrders'. Within this table will be 2 fields 'InvoiceNumber' and 'CompanyName'.
CompanyName InvoiceNumber
Athlon ATH001
StockShare STS001
Athlon ATH002
StockShare STS002
I will be using a form 'frmOrders' to add new orders to this table.
What I want to do.... is when I pick Athlon from the combobox, 'cboCompany', on the form. I want to append a new order into the table and the next sequenced InvoiceNumber to be generated. So ATH003 would be next, as per example above.
I could have around 10 different companies with their own InvoiceNumber sequence within this table.
Can anyone help with this please? Or would it be better to take a different approach?