I’m trying to generate a Word document using VBA pulling data in from a DOORS database. I have the document generated, but I have one problem with the numbering of Appendix Table Captions. I’m inserting an appendix with Appendix Heading style and I’m trying to insert tables under the Appendix using a numbering scheme that corresponds to the Appendix Lettering. Example: Instead of having a table numbered 3-1, I want it numbered B-1. Here’s the VBA that I’m using to insert the Caption.
With pwd
strBkmkName = .SafeBookmarkName(doorsObjSchema.ObjectID)
Set wdRngCaption = .InsertParagraph(“Table “, “Table Caption”)
.InsertCaption pwd.Range, “Table”, strBkmkName
strCaption = “: “ & doorsObjSchema.ObjectText & “ Entity Mappings”
.Range.InsertAfter strCaption
End With
Can you help with this?
Thank-you very much for your help.
With pwd
strBkmkName = .SafeBookmarkName(doorsObjSchema.ObjectID)
Set wdRngCaption = .InsertParagraph(“Table “, “Table Caption”)
.InsertCaption pwd.Range, “Table”, strBkmkName
strCaption = “: “ & doorsObjSchema.ObjectText & “ Entity Mappings”
.Range.InsertAfter strCaption
End With
Can you help with this?
Thank-you very much for your help.