Hi! I'm using DB2 v7.2 FP5 CLI client on the Windows 2000 and DB2 v7.2 FP4 Enterprise Edition Server on the AIX.
The ODBC DSN was created with CURSORHOLD disabled.
In my C code, after calling SQLFreeStmt with SQL_CLOSE to close the statement handle, the immediate re-use of the same handle would result in "SQL0502N The cursor specfied is an OPEN statemetn is already open. SQLSTATE=24502".
The code worked fine with all other ODBC sources except DB2.
Do I need to drop and re-allocate the statement handle?
Do I need to apply a patch?
Thank you!
regards, Nancy
The ODBC DSN was created with CURSORHOLD disabled.
In my C code, after calling SQLFreeStmt with SQL_CLOSE to close the statement handle, the immediate re-use of the same handle would result in "SQL0502N The cursor specfied is an OPEN statemetn is already open. SQLSTATE=24502".
The code worked fine with all other ODBC sources except DB2.
Do I need to drop and re-allocate the statement handle?
Do I need to apply a patch?
Thank you!
regards, Nancy