As far as I know there is nothing, that would compare to the tab order of controls. I assume the de opens them in the order they where added to the DE.
You could nevertheless query in the order you want, by putting NODEFAULT into the AutoOpen() method of the CAs you don't want to load initially and then call their CursorFill() later, eg in form Init().
Or you set Nodata=.T. on those CAs and then get an empty cursor you can simply requery by REQUERY(cAlias), which implictly calls CursorFill().
That combined with the BindControls Form property set to .F. until you have all your data is the easiest to have full control about the order of loading the CAs, set Thisorm.BindControls = .T. at the end of the form Init() and you'll be fine.
Additional info: I had in mind Requery(cAlias) does implicitly call the CA.Cursorfill() method, as TABLEUPDATE(cAlias) also works independant of the CA object.
I haven't tried if that works or fails indeed, but came across another helpful function, that would make it work anyway: GETCURSORADAPTER( cAlias ) returns the CA object used to generate the cursor, so even if REQUERY(cAlias) fails, you can use o = GETCURSORADAPTER(cAlias) and then set o.NoData=.F. and do o.CursoFill() or o.CursorRefresh().
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