The following statement works fine when I use it in an MDB file. However, I converted my Access Application to an ADP and now I get the following error message:
Run time error '91':
Object variable or With block variable not set
The offending line is as follows:
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE tblSecurity SET PASSWORD=" & Chr(34) & Me!txtPasswordNew & Chr(34) & " WHERE USERID= " & Me!cboEmpNew.Value
Since CurrentDb is not a valid object in ADP, do you know
how I could replace this statement ?
Run time error '91':
Object variable or With block variable not set
The offending line is as follows:
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE tblSecurity SET PASSWORD=" & Chr(34) & Me!txtPasswordNew & Chr(34) & " WHERE USERID= " & Me!cboEmpNew.Value
Since CurrentDb is not a valid object in ADP, do you know
how I could replace this statement ?