Hi again,
In a MDX sentence I want to put this value:
set [Signo] as '(IIF ([measures].[ColumnaNivel1].CurrentMember.Name IS '010.Ventas',-1,1))'
I tried in the cube as a calculated member and I had no problem at all. But as a "Set" or as a "member" condition the MDX shows me the following error: "Expecting SELECT, near... "
The question is: In a set or member statement how I use the iif clause for an especific member of a dimension?
In a MDX sentence I want to put this value:
set [Signo] as '(IIF ([measures].[ColumnaNivel1].CurrentMember.Name IS '010.Ventas',-1,1))'
I tried in the cube as a calculated member and I had no problem at all. But as a "Set" or as a "member" condition the MDX shows me the following error: "Expecting SELECT, near... "
The question is: In a set or member statement how I use the iif clause for an especific member of a dimension?