I have three fields in my report that I am having a problem in trying to format them in a “currency format with color”. The report source is a query using the Switch function. Currently the figures are displayed as 20 for $20.00 or just 23.25 for $23.25. I want the three different colors, one for each of the three fields as listed below. I have the Decimal Places set at 2. This is not a conditional formatting issue to my knowledge. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Opening Balance: $#,##0.00 [Blue]
Deposits: $#,##0.00 [Green]
Withdrawals: $#,##0.00 [Red]
Opening Balance: $#,##0.00 [Blue]
Deposits: $#,##0.00 [Green]
Withdrawals: $#,##0.00 [Red]