I wonder if anybody could help me with the following problem ? I have data from 25 countries each in their own currency. In MicroStrategy I would like to have reports showing the data in their own currency but also in the standard Currency 'EURO'. Is it necessary to create 2 set of metric ie. one in local currency and one in 'EURO' or is there a way of having a standard metric which will be diplayed according to a chosen 'attribute' currency ie. 'LOCAL' or 'EURO'.
Any help greatly appreciated !
I wonder if anybody could help me with the following problem ? I have data from 25 countries each in their own currency. In MicroStrategy I would like to have reports showing the data in their own currency but also in the standard Currency 'EURO'. Is it necessary to create 2 set of metric ie. one in local currency and one in 'EURO' or is there a way of having a standard metric which will be diplayed according to a chosen 'attribute' currency ie. 'LOCAL' or 'EURO'.
Any help greatly appreciated !