I have a cube that contains a fact table that has three date dimensionID's (FK) in it. Names are like StartDateID, ProjectedEndDateID, ForecastedEndDateID. These all are referenced to the dDate_id in the Date dimension table. Metrics in the fact table pertain to integer values that measure the number of customers that are somewhere in our Sales Process. An example might be how many customers were called during a Sales Campaign.
All Sales Campaigns have Start dates, Projected end dates, and forecasted end dates.
I have no problem creating any of the dimensions (can browse the data). And I have no problem creating and processing the cube. I do however, have a problem when I go to browse the data - there is none!
I have narrowed the problem down to the FK's for the Date dimension that exist in the fact table. If I have only one date (either start, forecasted or projected) all the metrics show up.
So how can I diplay all the dates and still maintain the metrics? And why is this a problem?
The OLAP services and SQL Server all have sp3 installed and I have administrative priviledges to both.
Any answers are most welcome and appreciated.
All Sales Campaigns have Start dates, Projected end dates, and forecasted end dates.
I have no problem creating any of the dimensions (can browse the data). And I have no problem creating and processing the cube. I do however, have a problem when I go to browse the data - there is none!
I have narrowed the problem down to the FK's for the Date dimension that exist in the fact table. If I have only one date (either start, forecasted or projected) all the metrics show up.
So how can I diplay all the dates and still maintain the metrics? And why is this a problem?
The OLAP services and SQL Server all have sp3 installed and I have administrative priviledges to both.
Any answers are most welcome and appreciated.