I am using stylesheets for my web page and I am trying to do the equivalent of <table align=right> but can't find the answer,
can someone help please,
Hi Corwin,
Thanks, that's great! One more thing if you don't mind.... if I want to right/left/center align the text in a table <td> element is it the same syntax?
Actually that is not the correct way to do it....that is a text align property....it SHOULD not apply to block level elements such as tables.
I know that IE5 will align the table on the right but it does it wrong. A more CSS compliant browser such as Netscape 6.x or Mozilla will not align the table to the right.
The correct way to align a block level element to the right would be to add this CSS to the nested table:
margin-left:auto; margin-right:0px
but of course IE5 coughs all over that. So the solution if you have to have it work in IE5 is to do both, so you would end up with something like this:
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