I am sure that everyone has had problems with this. However, it's my first time and I don't know where to go. I only know what doesn't work!
Compatibiliity issues between IE and Netscape on two fronts: Windows and MAC. The solutions may be the same for both.
1. First problem is including external .css files. Do I use <link...> or <style>@import</style>?? What is the correct format for referencing the file name? What if all .css files are found in a separate folder on the web site? In order to get the file to even load I had to move the .css to the home directory and use this syntax inside the <head></head>:
<style type="text/css" media="all">
@import url(utility.css);
I actually want the .css files in a folder named StyleSheets so this code would work:
<style type="text/css" media="all">
@import url(StyleSheets\utility.css);
but it doesn't. I even tried a / with no luck.
2. Once loaded, why can't I reference a class="classname" syntax with any table tags? (e.g. table, td) The following code should produce a very nice bordered set of tables with text inside but it doesn't. Each of the classes are defined in utility.css:
<table><tr><td class="Image_table1">
<table><tr><td class="Image_table2">
<table><tr><td class="Image_table3">
<td>Some nice text</TD>
Classes found in utility.css:
border-width: 20;
border-style: ridge ridge ridge ridge;
border-color: white
border-width: 5;
border-style: solid;
border-color: yellow
border-width: 2;
border-style: solid;
border-color: green
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Jerry Scannell
Jerry Scannell
JerryScannell@cox.net or
Compatibiliity issues between IE and Netscape on two fronts: Windows and MAC. The solutions may be the same for both.
1. First problem is including external .css files. Do I use <link...> or <style>@import</style>?? What is the correct format for referencing the file name? What if all .css files are found in a separate folder on the web site? In order to get the file to even load I had to move the .css to the home directory and use this syntax inside the <head></head>:
<style type="text/css" media="all">
@import url(utility.css);
I actually want the .css files in a folder named StyleSheets so this code would work:
<style type="text/css" media="all">
@import url(StyleSheets\utility.css);
but it doesn't. I even tried a / with no luck.
2. Once loaded, why can't I reference a class="classname" syntax with any table tags? (e.g. table, td) The following code should produce a very nice bordered set of tables with text inside but it doesn't. Each of the classes are defined in utility.css:
<table><tr><td class="Image_table1">
<table><tr><td class="Image_table2">
<table><tr><td class="Image_table3">
<td>Some nice text</TD>
Classes found in utility.css:
border-width: 20;
border-style: ridge ridge ridge ridge;
border-color: white
border-width: 5;
border-style: solid;
border-color: yellow
border-width: 2;
border-style: solid;
border-color: green
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Jerry Scannell
Jerry Scannell
JerryScannell@cox.net or