I really do appreciate the help that some of you guys give.
In the code example below I'm trying to display a menu on a webpage but have the menu display in it's entirety when the browser is resized. Currently when the browser is resized and dragged to the left the menu links wrap to the next line to stay displayed on the screen. Instead what I want to happen is the menu to stay in place as the browser is resized. Just to make it clear I want all the links to stay on the same line when the browser is resized then the links should dissapear from the screen as the browser gets smaller and smaller only displaying what will fit in the space that is relative to the browsers width at the time. I do not want the links to wrap or stretch or do anything else to try to stay visible as the browser resizes. I had an example of this last week where I have been able to fix the rest of the elements on the page but I can't seem to resolve the menu wrapping. I know certain tags or code may be missing this is only an example of the code this is only a snippet. This code is only for demonstration purposes not for code validation. Thanking you in advance.
In the code example below I'm trying to display a menu on a webpage but have the menu display in it's entirety when the browser is resized. Currently when the browser is resized and dragged to the left the menu links wrap to the next line to stay displayed on the screen. Instead what I want to happen is the menu to stay in place as the browser is resized. Just to make it clear I want all the links to stay on the same line when the browser is resized then the links should dissapear from the screen as the browser gets smaller and smaller only displaying what will fit in the space that is relative to the browsers width at the time. I do not want the links to wrap or stretch or do anything else to try to stay visible as the browser resizes. I had an example of this last week where I have been able to fix the rest of the elements on the page but I can't seem to resolve the menu wrapping. I know certain tags or code may be missing this is only an example of the code this is only a snippet. This code is only for demonstration purposes not for code validation. Thanking you in advance.
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.menu li a#aboutus:hover, .menu li:hover a#aboutus,
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.menu ul,
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.menu :hover ul :hover ul ul,
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