We receive logos from companies in CS2 format and are unable to open them in our version 10 we use. Is there a little program that converts this images, so we do not have to ask the custoemr to save the file off in a legacy format, etc...
I just made a quick file with two stroked boxes in Illust.CS2.
I dragged it onto my Distiller, then opened that PDF into ILL 10. worked great.
However, the "fills" became their own elements, and the strokes became their own elements. No big deal, but just be aware that 2 objects in CS2 are 4 objects in Ill10.
The mian issue the folks are having is that they can not resize the images without it pixelating unless it is in vectory format. The clients send an .eps saved off in Illustrator 12, we use 10. My goal is to somehow keep that file in vector format so we can open it in 10.
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