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CS1000 SIP Trunk to the IPO system

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Technical User
Sep 20, 2006
Hi team,

I configure a SIP trunk from CS1K system to the IPO system, we did all steps, we can see also DCH (of SIP Trrunk) Activ, but we cannot call between the systems !! (release and try again)
I checked the TGAR parameter on the SIP rdb it is ok, I can see also the endpoints routing in the NRS already registered
I enabled the traces over DCH (MSGI and MSGO), but no information coming to the TTY terminal during call

Please any suggestion of how to troubleshoot the issue ?

Thank you in advance
Have you turned D-Channel messaging on and looked for messages in there to see what is happening?
If you run sysmon on the IPO system, do you see calls hitting the IPO? My first guess assuming the route/trunk/CDP/NRS config on the CS1K is right is an incoming call route issue on the IPO side. Make sure your SIP URI is set to */*/* and configure your incoming call routes to match the digit pattern you're sending to the IPO.
Thank you guys, I already enable the DCH monitoring, ENl MSGI and MSGO, but no information displayed when doing a test call
I didn't try the sysmon yet, for the configuration route/trunk/cdp/NRS it seems good, I configured distant steering code on CS1K with one extension number existing on the IP Office, I configure this number on the NRS also (routing)

I create a route on the IPO with "." as destination of SIP trunk...

no other tools for realtime monitor on CS1K side ?

Thank you
If you aren't seeing any DCH messaging then it's most likely that your call isn't making it even that far. Have you tried using a maintenance set to directly access a member of that route?
thank you Wanebo,

what you mean by maintenance set, I think you mean ACOD of the SIP Rdb, I already tried this but I got release and try again

If you're getting release and try again and not seeing any DCH messages, do a SIP routing test in NRS. You may be making it past NRS. Could be numbers, could be call type, but a routing test in NRS from thhe originating endpoint of the CS1K with a destination endpoint of the IPO should point you in the right direction.
Hello guys,

I checked on the IPO SSA, the SIP Trunk is out of service !

However the DCH in CS1K is active, NRS Endpoint are trusted and registered, the ping is working fine between the Sig Server and IPO LAN1

any other suggestion ?

thank you
The DCH will go active on the CS1K as soon as it can see the gateway IP. Sounds like yo have an IPO issue. Are you pinging from the TLAN or ELAN. IP trunking uses the TLAN
Yes, I ping from IPO to TLAN subnet, and from Sig Server to IPO with no problem

I can see the DCH Active and TN members Registerd

In the NRS I can see the both Endpoints CS1K and IPO registered as SIP static endpoints

Only in IPO SSA the status of SIP Trunk is Out Of Server...!!!

can be the port 5060 blocked ??

One more thing I use only LAN1 in IPO for both SIP Trunk and IP Phone registration...can this cause the problem ??

Thank you
If you're not getting responses to options messages on the IPO, the trunk will stay in an out of service state. On the IPO, uncheck the box that says "Check OOS" and that will force the trunk to go into an in service state. That will at least get you a bit closer.
Thank you KCFLHRC for the document, I already follow it step by step

just one more question, on the CDP (CS1K side) do we need to configure only the extension's numbers of the IPO ?

Thank you
Yes, only put IPO extensions in the CDP that you want to send to the RLI that has your SIP route. You can also short cut the CDP entries if your numbering plan allows. For example if all the extension in the IPO are say 3xx, all you need to put in the CDP entry is 3 then it will route anything beginning with 3. Now if you also have extensions in the CS1K that start with 3 then you cant do this. You just need to look at the numbering plan. You cloud also do 30,31,32,33, you get the idea
thank you, if I have the same extension number of IPO in CS1K side (DN) it will create conflict between CDP and DN ?

Thank you
Hello team

I still have the same issue of SIP Trunk, the SS was rebooted, and now I cannot enable the DCH, I receive error DCH1005
before at least it was ACTIV
Please find an overview of config was done:

the Virtual Route is programmed:

ZONE= <a zone built in LD 117>
NODE=<node ID configured on the Signaling Server>

Virtual Trunks are programmed:


In the NRS:

I have configured two endponts (IPO and CS1K) as static SIP endpoint, I can see them registered
The same thing for CDP/UDP numbering

In the IPO:

Unchecked (Check for OOS), SIP Domain name configured, IP Address, port UDP 5060, code G711
From IPO (SSA) I can ping CS1K (both ELAN and TLAN) and vice versa

I don't know what I miss, and no logs to check where it is stucked

Please any other idea ??

Thank you
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