Hi, I am trying to use the selection fourmula to filter the return data from the report. I am able to use the selection formula on any field in the report, but when I have a derived field in Crystal report ( Formual Field ) I am not able to use it in the CrystalReportViewer1.SelectionFormula on the aspx page. your help is appreciated.
The error:
<Record Selection>. ' {v_sales_price_vs_cost.Project_Name} = 'Avonlea 24 ft Townhomes' and {v_sales_price_vs_cost.Unite_type_Name} = '' and {sales_price_vs_cost_swmIII.@Option_Profit} >= .6 ' This field name is not known. Details: errorKind
The error:
<Record Selection>. ' {v_sales_price_vs_cost.Project_Name} = 'Avonlea 24 ft Townhomes' and {v_sales_price_vs_cost.Unite_type_Name} = '' and {sales_price_vs_cost_swmIII.@Option_Profit} >= .6 ' This field name is not known. Details: errorKind