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Dec 5, 2003

I am having a problem with dates here.

The field in the table is a string(date/time) ex
20040106 12:01:01.57

I am trying to create a report where the user is promted to enter a item number and the start & ending dates(without time)

I have tried a couple of different convert formats nothing is working.

How can I get the report pick the data from the table with just the date and ignore the time?


If the "Date" string is always formatted like that(YYYYMMDD... etc.), you could use this as your record selection formula:

Date(tonumber(left({Table.DateString},4)),tonumber(mid({Table.DateString},5,2)),tonumber(mid({Table.DateString},7,2))) in {?DateRange}

This won't pass through to the database (in the WHERE clause), so a SQL Expression would be a better solution if you're dealing with lots of data.

If you need more help, you might want to include some more information, like Crystal version, DB type, connectivity, etc.

The date string is alway the same.

The above did not work.

I have Crystal 8.5/ Sql 7.0 database

I need the user to enter a beg date and a ending date
and the report to grab the data between those dates without time being a factor.


Do your have your parameters set up? I'm guessing that you don't, or you didn't alter the above formula to use your parameter(s).

If you're interested in a pass-through version using a SQL Expression, create a SQL Expression Field called DateFromString, using the following (substituting your table.field name, of course):

/* %DateFromString */
convert(smalldatetime, substring(Table."DateString",5,2) + '/' + substring(Table."DateString",7,2) + '/' + left(Table."DateString",4) , 101)

Create your date range parameter ({?DateRange}), with a Value Type of Date, and check the "Allow multiple values" option.

In your record selection, enter:

{%DateFromString} in {?DateRange}

try this

2 formula here


Date(Tonumber({?BeginDate}[7 to 10]),Tonumber({?BeginDate}[1 to 2]),Tonumber({?BeginDate}[4 to 5]))


Date(Tonumber({?EndDate}[7 to 10]),Tonumber({?EndDate}[1 to 2]),Tonumber({?EndDate}[4 to 5]))

now create parameter ?BeginDate and ?EndDate

no linking just define as date click ok and exit

link parameter to match formula name
like @StartDate = ?BeginDate

and select your date field and right click select expert

and is between @StartDate and @EndDate

hope this helps

I tried the above and it is telling me there is an error in the formula, it is looking for a string or an array

date(tonumber({?Enter Ending Date}
try changing the parameter to number instead of date



Sorry but that did not work it is still looking for a string or array
try this

2 formula here


Date(Tonumber({YourDateField}[7 to ]),
TonumberYourDateField}[1 to 2]),
Tonumber({YourDateField}[4 to 5]))


Date(Tonumber({YourDateField}[7 to 10]),
Tonumber({YourDateField}[1 to 2]),
Tonumber({YourDateField}[4 to 5]))

now create parameter ?BeginDate and ?EndDate

no linking just define as number click ok and exit

link parameter to match formula name
like @StartDate = ?BeginDate

and select your date field and right click select expert

and is between @StartDate and @EndDate

hope this helps



Date(Tonumber({YourDateField}[7 to 10]),
TonumberYourDateField}[1 to 2]),
Tonumber({YourDateField}[4 to 5]))


This worked however I had to chage the parameter to string
not number.

Thanks and have a great day.
your welcome u could have used this also

1. Create two parameters with String data types:

· Name the first parameter 'Startdate'
· Name the second parameter 'Enddate'

Do NOT select a default table or default field.

2. In the Prompting Text box, type a prompting message that ensures the input is the following format:


3. Create a Record Selection formula that uses the DTSToDate(DatetimeString) function with the parameter. For example,

{Orders.Order Date} in DTSToDate ({?Startdate}) to DTSToDate ({?Enddate})

This formula converts the parameter string to a Date type value so it can be compared against the records in the database.


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