pass a string of text into Crystal from a textbox in VB and display it, sounds easy!
I have tried a couple of things I found here and elsewhere involving both formulas and parameters. I could not get any to work.
Could some one please tell me how to go about this step by step, BOTH in VB6 and CrystalXI.
I have wasted most of a day already.
I tried making a formula field called Code, formula was simply "@Code", added it to my report.
RecipeText.Text is the name of my textbiox in VB
Then in VB I tried
report1.FormulaFields.GetItemByName("Code").Text = "RecipeText.Text"
and several syntax variations
also tried a few variations on this
report1.FormulaFields(0) = "Code = '" & RecipeText.Text & "'"
No luck
pass a string of text into Crystal from a textbox in VB and display it, sounds easy!
I have tried a couple of things I found here and elsewhere involving both formulas and parameters. I could not get any to work.
Could some one please tell me how to go about this step by step, BOTH in VB6 and CrystalXI.
I have wasted most of a day already.
I tried making a formula field called Code, formula was simply "@Code", added it to my report.
RecipeText.Text is the name of my textbiox in VB
Then in VB I tried
report1.FormulaFields.GetItemByName("Code").Text = "RecipeText.Text"
and several syntax variations
also tried a few variations on this
report1.FormulaFields(0) = "Code = '" & RecipeText.Text & "'"
No luck