I am working with Crystal XI.
I have a main report which pulls Shipment data. I have a subreport, which main purpose is to pull from the Receipt data the date/time of arrival. The subreport is linked by a keysequence field. (The subreport contains the Receipt date/time and the Keysequence field in the detail section of the subreport.) Originally, I had the subreport placed in the GH1 of the Main report. This was giving me the first Receipt date/time of arrival on all detail items in the Main report. I then placed the subreport in Detail-b, of the Main (Detail-a contains the row names), and this almost works. It is skipping the first detail line and placing the first Receipt date / time field on the second detail line, etc.??
I should also note... The TimeDiff calculation comes from a previous thread question thread767-1347179. I have a @resetgroup formula in GH1 and a @accum formula in Db of the main report.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I have a main report which pulls Shipment data. I have a subreport, which main purpose is to pull from the Receipt data the date/time of arrival. The subreport is linked by a keysequence field. (The subreport contains the Receipt date/time and the Keysequence field in the detail section of the subreport.) Originally, I had the subreport placed in the GH1 of the Main report. This was giving me the first Receipt date/time of arrival on all detail items in the Main report. I then placed the subreport in Detail-b, of the Main (Detail-a contains the row names), and this almost works. It is skipping the first detail line and placing the first Receipt date / time field on the second detail line, etc.??
Here is some sample data:
GH1 - Consignee: 16
Da - Consignee ReceiptD/T ShipD/T Bill# TimeDiff
Db - 16 6/3 23:15 123 0.00
Db - 16 6/1 4:17 6/3 23:15 345 37.00 //Receipt d/t should be with bill # 123
GF1 - Shipment Count = 2 Avg Process Time = 18.5
I should also note... The TimeDiff calculation comes from a previous thread question thread767-1347179. I have a @resetgroup formula in GH1 and a @accum formula in Db of the main report.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
numbervar sumdiff;
numbervar cnt;
if not inrepeatedgroupheader then(
sumdiff := 0;
cnt := 0
numbervar diff;
diff:= datediff('s',{@MainYardDate},{WMTRANSACTIONHEADER.ACTUALRECEIVEDSHIPPEDDATETIME})/3600 - 30 else
numbervar sumdiff := sumdiff + diff;
numbervar cnt := cnt + 1;