I need to create a report that compares specific data elements of customer addresses. The data elements are payment terms, delivery terms, etc. Our addresses are given IDs – 01, 02, 03, etc. The issue is that I need to compare the data from IDs 02, 03, 04… to the same data element value in Address ID 01. 01 is being treated as the master record. When a difference is found I need to print the Address 01 values and the Address ID and respective data element values that are different.
So far I've done the following:
Created Group on Cust_Number (this is the only group in the report)
Created a formula that creates and sets a variable to capture the 01 Address ID data elements (I’ve created one for each element) – and placed the formula in the Cust_Num group header. Example code for the one of the variable formulas:
global stringvar delivery_term;
delivery_term := if {CUST_ORD_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS_ENT.ADDRESS_ID}= '01'
I placed the data element fields in the Details section - delivery terms, payment terms, etc.
I then placed a conditional suppress formula on each field similar to this -
if {CUST_ORD_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS_ENT.DELIVERY_TERMS}={@Add 01-Delivery_Term-Init} then true;
This seems to be working but only on the first detail record which is Address 01. It isn't working on the remaining detail records (Addresses) for the Customer.
What am I missing?
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
So far I've done the following:
Created Group on Cust_Number (this is the only group in the report)
Created a formula that creates and sets a variable to capture the 01 Address ID data elements (I’ve created one for each element) – and placed the formula in the Cust_Num group header. Example code for the one of the variable formulas:
global stringvar delivery_term;
delivery_term := if {CUST_ORD_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS_ENT.ADDRESS_ID}= '01'
I placed the data element fields in the Details section - delivery terms, payment terms, etc.
I then placed a conditional suppress formula on each field similar to this -
if {CUST_ORD_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS_ENT.DELIVERY_TERMS}={@Add 01-Delivery_Term-Init} then true;
This seems to be working but only on the first detail record which is Address 01. It isn't working on the remaining detail records (Addresses) for the Customer.
What am I missing?
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.