I'm fairly new to crystal.
We are using Coldfusion 4.5.2 with Crystal reports v 8 to generate the dynamic reports . i.e opening existing reports and add some database fields on fly and we are creating report on web dynamically.There are lots of example code available on seagate site for ASP.But nothing is available for Coldfusion.But i'm trying to create the reports on fly using coldfusion after spending much time in seeing ASP codes examples.Still i'm not clear how to run the reports on fly.I have attached the code for you guys to review.I'm getting errors like "Server has not been opened yet". Is there any help or example codes available for intergrating Crystal Report Designer Components in Coldfusion.
Please, I'll appreciate any help you can give me.
Thanks, Pandi
Code :
<CFOBJECT ACTION="CREATE" NAME="CrysRep" CLASS="CrystalRuntime.Application">
<cfset Report = CrysRep.OpenReport("#CRWRptDir#\#sMode#\Temp\#Client.ClientID#-Labels.rpt">
<cfset Frfields = Report.FormulaFields>
<cfset Frfields = Frfields.Add("Test","{Contact.SSN}">
<cfset Report.RecordSelectionFormula = "#sSelect#">
<cfset rc = Report.ReadRecords()>
We are using Coldfusion 4.5.2 with Crystal reports v 8 to generate the dynamic reports . i.e opening existing reports and add some database fields on fly and we are creating report on web dynamically.There are lots of example code available on seagate site for ASP.But nothing is available for Coldfusion.But i'm trying to create the reports on fly using coldfusion after spending much time in seeing ASP codes examples.Still i'm not clear how to run the reports on fly.I have attached the code for you guys to review.I'm getting errors like "Server has not been opened yet". Is there any help or example codes available for intergrating Crystal Report Designer Components in Coldfusion.
Please, I'll appreciate any help you can give me.
Thanks, Pandi
Code :
<CFOBJECT ACTION="CREATE" NAME="CrysRep" CLASS="CrystalRuntime.Application">
<cfset Report = CrysRep.OpenReport("#CRWRptDir#\#sMode#\Temp\#Client.ClientID#-Labels.rpt">
<cfset Frfields = Report.FormulaFields>
<cfset Frfields = Frfields.Add("Test","{Contact.SSN}">
<cfset Report.RecordSelectionFormula = "#sSelect#">
<cfset rc = Report.ReadRecords()>