I've used Crystal Reports for years for my report design and this morning my boss dropped SQL 2005 on my desk, told me to instal Visual Studio and Reporting Services and start porting everything over .
I am having a heck of a time figuring out functions. I am not familiar with the .net logic/syntax. And the help files only hold enough to tease.
I am taking a simple aged receivable report based on a manual crosstab and seeing if I can duplicate it in RS 2005.
I sort of understand the basic IIF logic.
=Iif(Fields!TotalDue.Value < 10000,"Red","Black")
trying to translate that logic into a function for the 'aging bucket' of 31-60.
DocDate is a simple date field, Current is the amount remaining to be paid on an invoice.
would it be something like:
=iif(fields!Docdate.value >Today()+31 or fields!Docdate.value <Today()+60,Fields!Current.value,0.0)
I know this sort of thing is second nature to most folks, but I have a hard time wrapping my head around new syntax.
Thanks for any assistance.
CR 9,10 CE10 Sql DB
I've used Crystal Reports for years for my report design and this morning my boss dropped SQL 2005 on my desk, told me to instal Visual Studio and Reporting Services and start porting everything over .
I am having a heck of a time figuring out functions. I am not familiar with the .net logic/syntax. And the help files only hold enough to tease.
I am taking a simple aged receivable report based on a manual crosstab and seeing if I can duplicate it in RS 2005.
I sort of understand the basic IIF logic.
=Iif(Fields!TotalDue.Value < 10000,"Red","Black")
trying to translate that logic into a function for the 'aging bucket' of 31-60.
DocDate is a simple date field, Current is the amount remaining to be paid on an invoice.
would it be something like:
=iif(fields!Docdate.value >Today()+31 or fields!Docdate.value <Today()+60,Fields!Current.value,0.0)
I know this sort of thing is second nature to most folks, but I have a hard time wrapping my head around new syntax.
Thanks for any assistance.
CR 9,10 CE10 Sql DB