I have created a master report using Crystal 8.5 that receives the parameters then passes them to two sub-reports. The first sub-report returns information on 5 sales categories for a customer. The 2d sub-report returns information on 5 additional categories. The 2d sub-report should display under the first sub-report on the same page. As long as information on only one customer is ask for the reports work as expected. If you ask for information on more than one customer, in our case we would like information on all customers in a division; the report displays all information in the first sub-report on one page then all the information in the 2d sub-report on another page. i.e. Customer 1, first sub-report, customer 2 first sub-report then customer 1 second sub-report, customer 2 second sub-report. Is there any way to keep both sub-reports’ information for a customer together on one page.