I was wondering if anyone could help me. What my situation is, the person who created a report saved it as a .pdf and didnt save it as a report. Now we want to go back and edit the file but cant open it in CR to change some formulas! Any thoughts??
Is there any good way to search and find the original report then. Because the person who created the report is no longer with us. And we have spent hours looking for it, and cant find it. I know it is still out there somewhere because it still updates the .pdf, but we cant find it!
A simpler (but not nececeraly best way) would be to do a search from a PC on the network drive the report is likely to be on for *.rpt which should list all the report files, then you would just need to manually look at them all for the one you want. This is assuming it would be heald on a network drive. You could try this localy searching the C drive of the PC the person who left used.
"The only stupid question is the one that doesn't get asked
Its Cyrstal Reports that is exporting the report. But we have searched our entire server. We think that the person probably named the report and the exported file different names(Not really for sure y, but he probably would of). And as many reports that we have on here it would take days to look through them all. So i was looking for a way to maybe open a pdf and maybe edit it using CR since thats what program created it. I know they are two different programs and file types, but I was hoping it might be that easy 2 find a program to do it. Any new ideas are excepted!
From what we can see, we dont have a scheduled task that does it either! I know what u mean by sayin CR cant b doing it by itself But there is no process that i can find that is doing it! I mean the reports are updating of, its just some of them got hard coded and some of the info has changed and we need to find them to change it.
As Ido mentioned, you misunderstand how the report is being generated.
A shame you have no documentation, or even an idea of how the PDFs are being created. One thing you might try temporarily is to apply security to the folder that the report is being written to, and see if some program rears it's head with an error.
btw, did you try clicking the Enterprise icon from within Crystal Reports to see if there are any out there?
JohnOB: Since it's a scheduled process, then it is under the control of some other app, and they probably have no idea where.
Were you to try your theory on a CRS, CE or BOE server it would return files named similarly to GUIDS, doing you little good.
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