Help, please...How can i UPPERCASE the Special Fields such as Data Date and Page N of M in my report? Can't create a formula using the UpperCase() function because these Special Fields don't show up in Formula Editor or Format Field.
You could put Ido's code into a Formula and place it in the Page Footer.
Alternatively, you could drag the Special Field onto the report canvas, right click the field and select Format Field, go to the Common tab, click on the X2 button to the right of Display String, and enter the following code:
And by the way, DataDate can be found in the Formula Editor under the Function group called Document Properties. PageNofM is under the Function group called Print State.
Thank you so much. Should have known that Data Date and Page N of M would be somewhere in Formula Editor and using Display String in the Common tab is a great shortcut. Well, changing Page N of M to UpperCase works perfectly but Data Date becomes a numeric field, 8/30/2013 which i need it to look like 30-AUG-2013. By the way, not that it really makes much of a difference but i need to change Print Date and not Data Date to UpperCase.
This thread is closed. Used this ... ToText(Day(PrintDate),0,"") & "-" & UpperCase(ToText(PrintDate,"MMM")) & "-" & ToText(Year(PrintDate),0,"") in the Display String of the Common tab and it works. Appreciate everyone for all your help.
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