I have an MS Access data project (front end access 2003 and back sql) All the data is on an Sql 2000 server. I have crystal reports 10 (developer) and I was able to intergrate through access the ability to display a basic crystal report with static data. (using a form and the crystal viewer activex script in access) For the life of me I can't find anything on connecting the crystal reports to the sql server in access vba code. Does anyone know the proper way to open a connection to a back (sql or odbc) connection through microsoft access so the report can communicate with the sql server? I will probally pass varibles into the report at some point but right now I just need a connection to the database. At some point we are going to move into .net so I want to start writing the reports in crystal.
On load event of ms access form: (a lot is commented out as I'm trying to get this to work)
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim crxApplication As New CRAXDRT.Application
Dim crxReport As CRAXDRT.Report
Dim CRXParamDef As CRAXDRT.ParameterFieldDefinition
Dim CRXParamDefs As CRAXDRT.ParameterFieldDefinitions
Dim CRXTables As CRAXDRT.TableLinks
Dim CRXTable As CRAXDRT.TableLink
' Set crxrpt = CRxApp.OpenReport("D:\reports\rptTest.rpt")
' CrystalReports = crxrpt
' CRViewer1.ViewReport
'destroying the report object
Set crxReport = Nothing
'Using the .OpenReport method from the Application object to set your Report object to a RPT file
Set crxReport = crxApplication.OpenReport("F:\rptMonarch\rptTest.rpt")
Set CRXParamDefs = crxReport.ParameterFields
'For Each CRXParamDef In CRXParamDefs
' 'With CRXParamDef
'' For iIndex = 0 To 9
'' If aryParms(iIndex).ParmName <> "" Then
'' If UCase(aryParms(iIndex).ParmName) = UCase(CRXParamDef.ParameterFieldName) Then
'' Select Case UCase(aryParms(iIndex).ParmType)
'' Case "DATE"
'' .AddCurrentValue CDate(aryParms(iIndex).ParmValue)
'' Case "STRING"
'' .AddCurrentValue aryParms(iIndex).ParmValue
'' Case "INTEGER"
' CRXParamDef.AddCurrentValue CLng(152)
'' End Select
'' End If
'' End If
'' Next iIndex
' 'End With
'Next CRXParamDef
Set CRXTables = crxReport.Database.Tables
For Each CRXTable In CRXTables
Next CRXTable
'connection to database--not working
crxReport.Database = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=SQLSERVERNAME; database=DBNAME;User Id = sa; Password = PASSWORD;"
crxReport.Action = 0
'accessing the database and reading records
'Setting the ReportSource of the CrViewer control to the Report object
Me!CrystalReports.ReportSource = crxReport
'view the updated report
'zoom is set to 56%
Me!CrystalReports.Zoom (100)
Me!CrystalReports.Left = 50
Me!CrystalReports.Top = 50
Me!CrystalReports.Width = 15500
Me!CrystalReports.Height = 10800
'do events first before continuing in order to avoid application crashes
'While Me!Crviewer1.IsBusy
' DoEvents
End Sub
On load event of ms access form: (a lot is commented out as I'm trying to get this to work)
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim crxApplication As New CRAXDRT.Application
Dim crxReport As CRAXDRT.Report
Dim CRXParamDef As CRAXDRT.ParameterFieldDefinition
Dim CRXParamDefs As CRAXDRT.ParameterFieldDefinitions
Dim CRXTables As CRAXDRT.TableLinks
Dim CRXTable As CRAXDRT.TableLink
' Set crxrpt = CRxApp.OpenReport("D:\reports\rptTest.rpt")
' CrystalReports = crxrpt
' CRViewer1.ViewReport
'destroying the report object
Set crxReport = Nothing
'Using the .OpenReport method from the Application object to set your Report object to a RPT file
Set crxReport = crxApplication.OpenReport("F:\rptMonarch\rptTest.rpt")
Set CRXParamDefs = crxReport.ParameterFields
'For Each CRXParamDef In CRXParamDefs
' 'With CRXParamDef
'' For iIndex = 0 To 9
'' If aryParms(iIndex).ParmName <> "" Then
'' If UCase(aryParms(iIndex).ParmName) = UCase(CRXParamDef.ParameterFieldName) Then
'' Select Case UCase(aryParms(iIndex).ParmType)
'' Case "DATE"
'' .AddCurrentValue CDate(aryParms(iIndex).ParmValue)
'' Case "STRING"
'' .AddCurrentValue aryParms(iIndex).ParmValue
'' Case "INTEGER"
' CRXParamDef.AddCurrentValue CLng(152)
'' End Select
'' End If
'' End If
'' Next iIndex
' 'End With
'Next CRXParamDef
Set CRXTables = crxReport.Database.Tables
For Each CRXTable In CRXTables
Next CRXTable
'connection to database--not working
crxReport.Database = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=SQLSERVERNAME; database=DBNAME;User Id = sa; Password = PASSWORD;"
crxReport.Action = 0
'accessing the database and reading records
'Setting the ReportSource of the CrViewer control to the Report object
Me!CrystalReports.ReportSource = crxReport
'view the updated report
'zoom is set to 56%
Me!CrystalReports.Zoom (100)
Me!CrystalReports.Left = 50
Me!CrystalReports.Top = 50
Me!CrystalReports.Width = 15500
Me!CrystalReports.Height = 10800
'do events first before continuing in order to avoid application crashes
'While Me!Crviewer1.IsBusy
' DoEvents
End Sub