I am using the Crystal Reports Control (crystal32.ocx) to view a crystal report within VB. I am dumping the data for the report out to an access database and then calling the crystal report to show the data. The first time I run the program all the 5 records are displayed. If I then run the report again, without exiting the form or changing the query, one of the records is missing, yet the record is in the data that is output. Below is the code that I use to call the report. If I put a msgbox in the routine code below just beofre the .rest then the report works fine.
Any ideas?
rptCompBusBreakdown.ReportFileName = c:\reports\CompanyBusinessBreakdown.rpt"
rptCompBusBreakdown.DataFiles(0) = "c:\reporst\user.mdb"
rptCompBusBreakdown.PrinterDriver = Printer.DeviceName
rptCompBusBreakdown.Destination = 0
rptCompBusBreakdown.Action = 1
I am using the Crystal Reports Control (crystal32.ocx) to view a crystal report within VB. I am dumping the data for the report out to an access database and then calling the crystal report to show the data. The first time I run the program all the 5 records are displayed. If I then run the report again, without exiting the form or changing the query, one of the records is missing, yet the record is in the data that is output. Below is the code that I use to call the report. If I put a msgbox in the routine code below just beofre the .rest then the report works fine.
Any ideas?
rptCompBusBreakdown.ReportFileName = c:\reports\CompanyBusinessBreakdown.rpt"
rptCompBusBreakdown.DataFiles(0) = "c:\reporst\user.mdb"
rptCompBusBreakdown.PrinterDriver = Printer.DeviceName
rptCompBusBreakdown.Destination = 0
rptCompBusBreakdown.Action = 1