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Crystal Reports / BOE XI on Apple Macs 1

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Apr 30, 2007
Has anyone had experience of installing / running Crystal Reports or BOE on Apple Macs?

I have a client who has a mixture of PCs and Apples on his network and would like to use Crystal for his reporting.

My thoughts are that the Crystal would need to run on a Windows machine - as would the Enterprise server components. So my questions are...

a) Is there a version of Crystal that runs on Apples?
b) What would it take to run Enterprise on Apples?
c) Would I be better in simply producing PDFs in Crystal (on a Windows machine), saving them to the Enterprise and emailing them from there?

I'm already familiar with running Crystal / BOE in a .NET environment, but I've never been involved in an Apple environment, so any feedback or success stories would be gratefully received.
a) Crystal hasn't been available for Apple Mac since version 4 or 5, can't remember exactly! Not sure how good it was back then any way.
Use VMWare Fusion - it lets windows programs run on Mac.

b) For Enterprise on Apple, you'd only be running a browser, so no big deal provided you don't want to use ActiveX viewer or printer.

c) You could do, but waste of a great product! Just view the reports through a browser.

Andrew Baines
We will be releasing shortly SP1 of the Crystal Reports Viewer XI that will support Mac OSX. This is designed for end report consumers who want to read, print, and export rpt files with saved data.

In addition our web viewers support Safari.

So from a consumption standpoint, Crystal Reports handles the Mac platform well. The report design tool is Windows only, and Mac OSX Servers are not a supported server platform.

Thanks, Blair Wheadon
Business Objects Product Management
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