I am trying to upgrade all of my Crystal 8.5 reports to Crystal 9.0 developer. I use VB 6.0 for the front-end and SQL Server 2000 for the database. The reports connect through and ODBC datasource. The problem that I am having is when I go to write an install package in WISE Installer. After I run the install on the client machine I run the .exe and as soon as I try to preview a report I receive a message saying that I do not have the appropriate license to view this report. I am using the CRViewer9 to view these reports and also the CRAXDRT9. I have included all the appropriate dll's, but I still keep getting this message. One thing I have not done is include the 19 digit Report Creation API license key. Do I need to add this into the install package or can I add it into the VB code when I set the application object? Is this license keycode necessary for the reports to work properly on the client machine? I know I didn't have to do any of this when deploying Crystal Reports 8.5