Technical User
Informix Database
Crystal Reports 8.5
Hello, im trying to create an SQL expression (Sub Query) in Crystal Reports which based on a conditional statement. At current I have the below SQL expression:
I then have the below ‘formula’ which I display in the report :
The reason I’ve used the formula is to produce a “0” if any null values are returned, previously when I tried totally the %INV. To Date SQL expression the report just returned a null value and ignored any other values.
The report is working correctly at the moment but I was wondering if I could produce a ‘Conditional Statement’ in a SQL Expression to replicate what the above SQL Expression and formula do.
I am thinking something like:
Could someone please advise me whether the above is possible in Crystal?
Crystal Reports 8.5
Hello, im trying to create an SQL expression (Sub Query) in Crystal Reports which based on a conditional statement. At current I have the below SQL expression:
%INV. To Date:
sum (po_order_line.order_line_amnt)
popes:popesdba.po_order po_order,
popes:popesdba.po_order_line po_order_line,
popes:popesdba.po_invc po_invc
po_fi_cnrct.cnrct_id = po_order.fi_cnrct_id AND
po_order.order_id = po_order_line.order_id AND
po_order.order_stat_cd = po_order_line.order_stat_cd AND
po_order.invc_id = po_invc.invc_id
I then have the below ‘formula’ which I display in the report :
@INV. To Date:
if isnull({%INV. To Date}) then 0 else {%INV. To Date}
The reason I’ve used the formula is to produce a “0” if any null values are returned, previously when I tried totally the %INV. To Date SQL expression the report just returned a null value and ignored any other values.
The report is working correctly at the moment but I was wondering if I could produce a ‘Conditional Statement’ in a SQL Expression to replicate what the above SQL Expression and formula do.
I am thinking something like:
IF NOT IS NULL (sum (po_order_line.order_line_amnt)) THEN
SELECT sum (po_order_line.order_line_amnt)
popes:popesdba.po_order po_order,
popes:popesdba.po_order_line po_order_line,
popes:popesdba.po_invc po_invc
po_fi_cnrct.cnrct_id = po_order.fi_cnrct_id AND
po_order.order_id = po_order_line.order_id AND
po_order.order_stat_cd = po_order_line.order_stat_cd AND
po_order.invc_id = po_invc.invc_id
Could someone please advise me whether the above is possible in Crystal?