How do I change the titles for the legend in CR 8, the legend is based on sums and I am getting the entire label with table name example: sum of JC101010.Total_Actual_Cost
i am working with CR8.5, and i am not sure how much different it is; but you may want to try this...
right click on the chart and choose the chart analyzer... it will open a preview of nothing but the chart... then right click on anything in the chart and choose "chart expert" that should open a window with some tabs... look for one called TEXT... there you will have the option of changing the titles...
as i said, i dont know how much things changed between 8.0 and 8.5, but its worth a shot to look...
good luck...
"I keep hitting 'escape' but I'm still here..."
i am sorry - that was what i was thinking you wanted to change... i completely missed your saying the legend... ... as far as i know you can not change those - or at least i have not found a way yet... but i have been looking, so i will let you know if i come across anything...
again, i am sorry i misread your post
"I keep hitting 'escape' but I'm still here..."
Select the chart, right click and choose chart expert->data and select the "on change of" field. Click on "Order" and choose "in specified order." You can enter whatever name you wish for each change in group/value and they will now appear on the x-axis and as the titles in the legend.
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