I have a question regarding the grouping mechanism in Crystal Reports. The data table that I am using contains a date in which a revision was made to a given job. I wish to incorporate this date into a report that consists of various jobs. The problem I am having is that if I am to group the data in a way to sort the data so only the most recent date is shown (this is my intention) any job that has NOT had a revision made to it is thrown out of the report (it doesn't fall under the category of having this criteria in order to sort it). Is there a way I can keep the non-applicable jobs in the report, in the same order? I am not that familiar with Crystal Reports but could there be some sort of function to implement that ignores the fact that the given job does not have a date attached, and then proceed to apply this formula to the next job in sequence? I would like to have "not applicable" or something along these lines to display when a date does not exist in the data.