I have a vb6 app using crystal reports 9.0. Due to upgrades in software within company, I have to upgrade the crystal reports to xi (would go 2008 but vb6 doesn't support this version). I have opened and saved a couple reports in xi (report1.rpt, report2.rpt)
If I open them directly in cr, the export works fine.
If I run them via the vb code, all functions EXCEPT for the export work.
I copied & registered the dlls to C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Common\3.5\bin
but now am stuck on what to try next. Does anyone see what I"m doing wrong or have to change? Thanks lhuffst
I have a vb6 app using crystal reports 9.0. Due to upgrades in software within company, I have to upgrade the crystal reports to xi (would go 2008 but vb6 doesn't support this version). I have opened and saved a couple reports in xi (report1.rpt, report2.rpt)
If I open them directly in cr, the export works fine.
If I run them via the vb code, all functions EXCEPT for the export work.
I copied & registered the dlls to C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Common\3.5\bin
but now am stuck on what to try next. Does anyone see what I"m doing wrong or have to change? Thanks lhuffst
[bold]Private Sub CRViewer91_Clicked(ByVal x As Long, ByVal Y As Long, EventInfo As Variant, UseDefault As Boolean)[/bold]
Dim CrViewerEventInfo As CRVIEWER9LibCtl.CRVEventInfo 'Create an object that traps the CRViewer event info.
Set CrViewerEventInfo = EventInfo 'Pass the EventInfo info to the CrVEventInfo object.
If Not isBlank(CrViewerEventInfo) Then
MsgBox CrViewerEventInfo.Text, , "Z o o m" 'If the event text (or what field was clicked on) is not empty then display it in a Message Box.
End If
End Sub
[bold]Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error GoTo Err:[/bold]
Set crReport = appl.OpenReport(g_RptName)
hold = UCase(Util_GetUserName)
With crReport.Database.Tables(1).ConnectionProperties
.Item("password") = "xxxxxxxxxx"
End With
CrystalReport1.ReportFileName = g_RptName
CrystalReport1.WindowShowGroupTree = False
CrystalReport1.WindowState = crptMaximized
g_RptName = g_RptPath & g_RptName
'Debug.Print g_RptName 'Correct path and report name is returned
crReport.EnableParameterPrompting = True
CRViewer91.ReportSource = crReport 'Sets the Report source of the CrViewer to the Report object we created.
CRViewer91.EnableCloseButton = True
CRViewer91.DisplayBorder = True
CRViewer91.EnableNavigationControls = True
CRViewer91.EnableStopButton = True
CRViewer91.EnableRefreshButton = True
CRViewer91.DisplayToolbar = True
CRViewer91.Zoom 100 'zoom to preview window
'9/19/07 changed for swr ec091917-2 ljh
CRViewer91.EnableExportButton = True
Exit Sub