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Crystal Report as Parameter

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Jul 31, 2002
Hello. I'm trying to send a crystal report as a parameter into a function to populate a CrystalReport Viewer.

I cant seem to find the type of object to declare the parameter. I'm currently using the 'Object' object but its limiting my functionallity:

public sub DoSomething(objCR as Object)
end sub

Please help

Matt [thumbsdown]
I think this is the class type for the crystal report

I have many reports that I run from the same form, so I wrote a small sub to handle the logon duties for the report. You can use the following.
Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared

Public Class Form1
Dim crReportDocument as New ReportDocument()

crReportDocument.Load("C:\report.rpt", OpenReportMethod.OpenReportByTempCopy)

Call LogonReport(crReportDocument)

End Class

Public Sub LogonReport(ByVal crReportDocument as CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument)


End Sub

Hope this helps. If you need more help with anything, feel free to ask. This is all I do for my company, develop in .NET and Crystal Reports. I have become quite proficient and I would love to help anyone who needs it. This stuff can be very difficult. I have got it down pretty good using VB6 and the RDC, .NET, and ASP.
Thanks but when I tried the code the following object could not be found:


I have imported 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine'. Any ideas??

Thanks for your help

Matt [tongue]
Did you try adding the Crystaldecisions.crystalreports.engine as a project reference? Worked for me.
Thanks!!!!!!!! It works! But I have another problem!

When I try and pass a parameter into the crystal report it seems to ignore it and prompts me for the value. It worked when the report viewer was on the same form, but now it's in another form it wont work!!!

Any advice will be greatfully recieved!

below is the function that populates the Crystal Report Viewer. An interesting thing is that the zoom isn't working correctly either.??!!??

Public Sub setDataSource(ByRef objCR As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument, ByRef objParameters As ParameterFields)
Me.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = Nothing

Me.CrystalReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo = objParameters
Me.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = objCR

End Sub

if you can help it would be great.


Matt [morning]
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