I pass 2 parameters from ASP (not ASP.Net) to CR 8.5 However there are 2 more parameters that should be taken by Crystal to view the reports.
When I view this report, the 2 ASP parameters are being passed, the report opens up with no data (because the other 2 parameters are supposedly to be invoked by the Crystal)and no parameter dialog box of Crystal pops up.
How can I invoke this parameter box of Crystal?
However when I run this report directly by typing the URL
( then I am prompted to download the Crystal Dialog which I do, then I get prompted for the Crystal Paramters.
But when I try to view this report through the ASP page, then I am not prompted with any Crystal Reports Parameters Dialog.
I am using the ASP sample file for Crystal 8.5 I noticed in the AlwaysRequiredSteps.asp, there were 3 lines:
I changed the EnableParameterPrompting to true.
However I see that the reports where the Crystal should prompt for the paramters ( I also pass 2 parameters), is taking so long....I do not see the report. IE status bar still shows that blue bar expanding...So I do not know if that line will help me or not.
My report does not used any stored procedure. It has a simple SQL query with joins.
This report works fine with the Perl Script. I am migrating the web application to ASP based application.
Any ideas.
Please anybody with this situation....please give your input. I have posted this before in the forums, but nobody gave me any picture.
I pass 2 parameters from ASP (not ASP.Net) to CR 8.5 However there are 2 more parameters that should be taken by Crystal to view the reports.
When I view this report, the 2 ASP parameters are being passed, the report opens up with no data (because the other 2 parameters are supposedly to be invoked by the Crystal)and no parameter dialog box of Crystal pops up.
How can I invoke this parameter box of Crystal?
However when I run this report directly by typing the URL
( then I am prompted to download the Crystal Dialog which I do, then I get prompted for the Crystal Paramters.
But when I try to view this report through the ASP page, then I am not prompted with any Crystal Reports Parameters Dialog.
I am using the ASP sample file for Crystal 8.5 I noticed in the AlwaysRequiredSteps.asp, there were 3 lines:
session("oRpt").MorePrintEngineErrorMessages = False
'session("oRpt").EnableParameterPrompting = False 'the line that came
with the Sample ASP code.
session("oRpt").EnableParameterPrompting = True
I changed the EnableParameterPrompting to true.
However I see that the reports where the Crystal should prompt for the paramters ( I also pass 2 parameters), is taking so long....I do not see the report. IE status bar still shows that blue bar expanding...So I do not know if that line will help me or not.
My report does not used any stored procedure. It has a simple SQL query with joins.
This report works fine with the Perl Script. I am migrating the web application to ASP based application.
Any ideas.
Please anybody with this situation....please give your input. I have posted this before in the forums, but nobody gave me any picture.