Using Crystal 9 in conjunction with Magic eDeveloper 9.3 Pervasive database.
My problem is the particular database is for stock Qty. The database file I must use for the report has on some material more than 1 row showing the qty of the material. The reason for this is due to Lot No.'s used will be different when we receive new material. There for when trying to retrieve the data, example Material 1 Lot No. 1 has Qty of 10. Then Material 1 Lot No. 2 has Qty of 1. The total on the report should be 11, but crystal is only pulling up the Qty for Lot No. 1 and not both Lot No. 1&2 that is needed.
Do I need to create a formula to pull both into the Total?
I currently am using the field Material Inventory Qty Total in the Footer of the report.
In the details area is listing each of the materials and the Qty for Open Work Orders and the material used and required for the Job. But I have made a Group for each type of material and it will list all Work Orders for that material. That all works fine except for materials that have in the Stock data file that I am using in the footer to tell me the current Inventory Qty, if it has > 1 Lot No. it will only pull the first Qty of the 1st Lot not 2 or more? How can I get this to add more than 1 Lot Qty to the footer for that particulr Material Invertory Stock Qty?
Thanks for any help and hope I explained well enough. Trying to finish this today am on a deadline.
My problem is the particular database is for stock Qty. The database file I must use for the report has on some material more than 1 row showing the qty of the material. The reason for this is due to Lot No.'s used will be different when we receive new material. There for when trying to retrieve the data, example Material 1 Lot No. 1 has Qty of 10. Then Material 1 Lot No. 2 has Qty of 1. The total on the report should be 11, but crystal is only pulling up the Qty for Lot No. 1 and not both Lot No. 1&2 that is needed.
Do I need to create a formula to pull both into the Total?
I currently am using the field Material Inventory Qty Total in the Footer of the report.
In the details area is listing each of the materials and the Qty for Open Work Orders and the material used and required for the Job. But I have made a Group for each type of material and it will list all Work Orders for that material. That all works fine except for materials that have in the Stock data file that I am using in the footer to tell me the current Inventory Qty, if it has > 1 Lot No. it will only pull the first Qty of the 1st Lot not 2 or more? How can I get this to add more than 1 Lot Qty to the footer for that particulr Material Invertory Stock Qty?
Thanks for any help and hope I explained well enough. Trying to finish this today am on a deadline.