I've been reading various threads about Crystal Licensing and think just about follow them!
But if someone could confirm my understanding, if a list what I intend to do.
Basically I wish to develop a VB app which will use the CRAXDRT library, it will be based on V8 or V8.5. This app will install on the client all the necessary export dlls, database connection dlls, DSN etc and the CRVIEWER component (THICK CLIENT?). On a network drive will be the report files and the user will access the reports through the app. Basically they will select the reports the app will pick up the parameters and they will enter the information they want, they will then view the report and/or export it.
There will be no run-time report creation and no major changes to the design of the report apart from an option may be to surpress certain sections etc. At this stage there will be no option to schedule reports, this may be a second phase, as I'm concerned about the CBL (Crystal Broadcast License) The database is an Oracle database sat on a server elsewhere
As I understand it I can role this out to as many users as I like without, falling foul of licensing costs.
Is this right?
I've been reading various threads about Crystal Licensing and think just about follow them!
But if someone could confirm my understanding, if a list what I intend to do.
Basically I wish to develop a VB app which will use the CRAXDRT library, it will be based on V8 or V8.5. This app will install on the client all the necessary export dlls, database connection dlls, DSN etc and the CRVIEWER component (THICK CLIENT?). On a network drive will be the report files and the user will access the reports through the app. Basically they will select the reports the app will pick up the parameters and they will enter the information they want, they will then view the report and/or export it.
There will be no run-time report creation and no major changes to the design of the report apart from an option may be to surpress certain sections etc. At this stage there will be no option to schedule reports, this may be a second phase, as I'm concerned about the CBL (Crystal Broadcast License) The database is an Oracle database sat on a server elsewhere
As I understand it I can role this out to as many users as I like without, falling foul of licensing costs.
Is this right?