Hi chaps!!
Here is a quick problem what I want is fairly simplw..I want to set the style of a crystal field to "bold", I can change just about every other properties but can't see how to set this one. I have provide some of the code below:
Set crxDBField = crxRpt.Database.Tables.Item(intTableLoc).Fields.Item(5)
crxRpt.AddGroup 0, crxDBField, crGCAnyValue, crAscendingOrder
intGrpCount = intGrpCount + 1
Set GNF1 = crxRpt.GroupNameFields.Item(intGrpCount) 'sets our GroupNameFieldDefinition to the GroupNameField
intLeft = intLeft - 500
intWidth = intWidth + 500
Set Fo1 = crxRpt.Sections("GH1"
.AddFieldObject(GNF1, intLeft, 100) 'adds our GroupNameFieldDefinition to the Group Header
Fo1.BorderColor = vbBlue
Fo1.BottomLineStyle = crLSSingleLine
Fo1.LeftLineStyle = crLSSingleLine
Fo1.RightLineStyle = crLSSingleLine
Fo1.TopLineStyle = crLSSingleLine
Fo1.HasDropShadow = True
Fo1.Width = intWidth
Thanks guys!
Here is a quick problem what I want is fairly simplw..I want to set the style of a crystal field to "bold", I can change just about every other properties but can't see how to set this one. I have provide some of the code below:
Set crxDBField = crxRpt.Database.Tables.Item(intTableLoc).Fields.Item(5)
crxRpt.AddGroup 0, crxDBField, crGCAnyValue, crAscendingOrder
intGrpCount = intGrpCount + 1
Set GNF1 = crxRpt.GroupNameFields.Item(intGrpCount) 'sets our GroupNameFieldDefinition to the GroupNameField
intLeft = intLeft - 500
intWidth = intWidth + 500
Set Fo1 = crxRpt.Sections("GH1"
Fo1.BorderColor = vbBlue
Fo1.BottomLineStyle = crLSSingleLine
Fo1.LeftLineStyle = crLSSingleLine
Fo1.RightLineStyle = crLSSingleLine
Fo1.TopLineStyle = crLSSingleLine
Fo1.HasDropShadow = True
Fo1.Width = intWidth
Thanks guys!