Using: CR 9
Database: Btrieve
Visual Basic 6.0
Problem 1:
when I open my Report (as Crystal Designer) in VB to edit it and I want to save after this, VB returns the error: " Permission denied" And after trying to save a cecond time it terminates. The report is already included in the application and works if I run the program .. It just won't let me edit it and save afterwoods. ?????
Problem 2:
If I run my Report I fill a record selection formula but the report shows the same data with each record selection formula I use. (Proberly the saved data)
I create it like this:
StrSelectionFormula = "{@R@D} in ['0'"
If A1.Value = 1 Then
StrSelectionFormula = StrSelectionFormula + ",'A1'"
End If
If AB1.Value = 1 Then
StrSelectionFormula = StrSelectionFormula + ",'AB1'"
End If
If AC1.Value = 1 Then
StrSelectionFormula = StrSelectionFormula + ",'AC1'"
End If
If ACB1.Value = 1 Then
StrSelectionFormula = StrSelectionFormula + ",'ACB1'" End If
If AG1.Value = 1 Then
StrSelectionFormula = StrSelectionFormula + ",'AG1'"
End If
StrSelectionFormula = StrSelectionFormula + "]"
CrystalReport1.RecordSelectionFormula = StrSelectionFormula
I am using Checkboxes to Create the selection string.
On my form.activate I give the following command:
What is wrong?? I have debugged the syntax and the Selectionstring gets filled correctly but it wont excecute in the report.
Any suggestions are very welcome!
Using: CR 9
Database: Btrieve
Visual Basic 6.0
Problem 1:
when I open my Report (as Crystal Designer) in VB to edit it and I want to save after this, VB returns the error: " Permission denied" And after trying to save a cecond time it terminates. The report is already included in the application and works if I run the program .. It just won't let me edit it and save afterwoods. ?????
Problem 2:
If I run my Report I fill a record selection formula but the report shows the same data with each record selection formula I use. (Proberly the saved data)
I create it like this:
StrSelectionFormula = "{@R@D} in ['0'"
If A1.Value = 1 Then
StrSelectionFormula = StrSelectionFormula + ",'A1'"
End If
If AB1.Value = 1 Then
StrSelectionFormula = StrSelectionFormula + ",'AB1'"
End If
If AC1.Value = 1 Then
StrSelectionFormula = StrSelectionFormula + ",'AC1'"
End If
If ACB1.Value = 1 Then
StrSelectionFormula = StrSelectionFormula + ",'ACB1'" End If
If AG1.Value = 1 Then
StrSelectionFormula = StrSelectionFormula + ",'AG1'"
End If
StrSelectionFormula = StrSelectionFormula + "]"
CrystalReport1.RecordSelectionFormula = StrSelectionFormula
I am using Checkboxes to Create the selection string.
On my form.activate I give the following command:
What is wrong?? I have debugged the syntax and the Selectionstring gets filled correctly but it wont excecute in the report.
Any suggestions are very welcome!